Peta-Maree De Nuntiis

Assistant to General Manager

Peta-Maree De Nuntiis joins the team as Executive Assistantto David Khoury and Office Manager. With a strong, service-oriented careerhistory, Peta-Maree brings a unique combination of energy, efficiency, andwarmth to her role. As Executive Assistant to David Khoury, she plays a crucialrole in supporting him, helping to streamline his schedule and ensuring histime is maximized to lead the team effectively and achieve exceptional resultsacross all service lines. Her dual role as Office Manager is key to maintaininga seamless, organized office environment, where she fosters a welcomingatmosphere for both TGC team members and visitors. Her presence significantlycontributes to the overall productivity and positive culture within the office.


Peta-Maree De Nuntiis

Assistant to General Manager

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